
Short-term joint staff training events

 Are we media literate?

26.11. 2018 - 29.11.2018, Zlatar, Croatia

Description of the activity

On the workshop teachers will learn how to access, analyze, evaluate and create media. They will be taught how to make and how to mount (edit)

radio show using the freeware Audacity programme. The topic of the radio show will be Erasmus KA229 partnership. The possible form of radio

show could be group interview. Teachers will have to do all the work alone and the product will be a 10-minutes radio show. Teachers will on this

activity on the third day visit one local and one regional radio station. The radio show can be then uploaded on Project web page.

During this activity, partner school teachers will have the opportunity to participate in the workshop.

The main objectives of this activity:

1) Shows issues related to media skills in each school

2) Discuss the forms of activities that support the development of media education and the aspect of the teaching methodology

3) Exchange of best practices

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

Newspaper week

18. - 22. 3.2019   Tarnobrzeg

The fundamental idea of the Newspaper Week is to provide all schoolchildren with the opportunity to become familiar with newspapers. The aim is to highlight and underscore newspaper media's role as the leading provider of news in print, online or on mobile devices.Pupils will work in a joint team and issue a newspaper. They will write:

- an editorial

- reports of impressions from the visited country

- blogs - about your school

- take pictures, they will learn to work with the photo

- learn to edit photos

- make interviews

We celebrate Newspaper Week with an adventure that will help our students become aware of the world around them, make decisions, plan with their classmates and become producers as well as consumers of the written word.

Petra wrote: "We were in Poland for one week. We lived in Tarnobrzeg, in families. Our journey was about The media, what next? And about new friendships. Everyday we started at 7:30 in the school. At first we presented our country, village and school. Then they showed us their school, which was very modern and areal was full of playgrounds for children. First day was as good as our dinner, wich was pizza. Next day our friends from Poland prepare for us a trip in Tarnobrzeg, we saw many spectatular places. Some of them were gigantic castle Tarnowskich and wonderful church. Another days we made newspaper called Europage, we visited other cities bigger than Tarnobrzeg and one of them was Rzeszów where we were under the ground. Every day when our program from school ended than our program with families only started. And this was our journey to Poland. Now, we have very useful and good experience and we are very greatful that we could be there".   

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils


6. - 10. 5.2019 Giedraiciu, Lithuania

Ad creation:

-they create an advertisement for newspapers, television spots, advertising slogans, posters, advertising magazines

Discussion about:

- online ad

- native advertising, which is the digital variation of the old print advertorial

- ad on Facebook, BuzzFeed etc.

The Slovak group of five members , two teachers and three pupils visited a small

town Giedraičiai in Lithuania from 6th-11th May 2019.

They have participated in the Erasmus + programme´s Strategic Partnerships

project´s "The Media. What next?"

Goals of the activities were:

1. To distinguish subjective and objective advertisements;

2. To know how advertising works in some European countries;

3. To recognize types of advertising;

4. To create an advertisement for social media.

Pupils were able to communicate in English, improve their digital skills and

create information through digital technology.

Other activities included:

 Guided tour around Giedraičia;

 Guided tour around the school;

 Vilnius City Bus tour;

 Sport activities, dancing, painting and some national games;

 Visiting Lithuanian Museum of Etnocosmology;

 Visiting Dubingiai Castle Hill and Mindunai Observation Tower.

Lithuania is the country in northen Europe. The capital and the largest city is

Vilnius. The official language is Lithuanian.

In 1991, on the break up of the USSR, Lithuania became an independent

republic, and on the 1st of May 2004 joined the European Union.

The historic core of Lithuania´s capital, Vilnius, is an eye-pleasing assemblage of

bright baroque houses and colourful churches.

Lithuania´s charms are quirly unforgettable and very beautiful. People are very

kind and hospitable.

Our pupils have gained some valuable experiences from this international

project Erasmus +, and I hope that they will use them in their rest of lives.

E. Čermáková

Yous magazines, yous portals

7. 10. - 11. 10. Nové Město nad Metují, Czech Republik

Pupils will create a youth magazine and they will work on these topics: - topics that pupils interest in each country - photo work, photo editing, artistic and documentary photography Discussions on the topic : ethics, manipulations, hoax, hate, conspiracy websites. -examples of false messages, media misuse, and violation of media ethics in individual countries They will work in international mixed groups. Pupils issue a tabloid magazine for youth and specific types of magazines - sports, focusing on music and science and technology. .

National Hero

          Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

Pupils prepared a report and an animated film about their national hero.

They learned about national heroes in partner countries.

They wrote reports on several topics.

They saw a video about the school in Nová Dedinka, the region and Slovakia. They tested their knowledge of Slovakia, learned a short Slovak national dance and cooked a Slovak national dish - dumplings. They created a slogan for their cooking.

Students learned to work with an animation program.

Expressed their views on various topics:

Met important personalities from partner countries.

They learned to cook a simple Slovak national dish.

Online meeting ZŠ Nová Dedinka

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

 Earl Nightingale

Short-term joint staff training events

Teachers presented their pedagogical and methodological ideas for the implementation of media education in the conditions of their school, various didactic procedures, methods, e.g. games, group work. Teachers have been given new impetus for their work.They presented examples of good practice internationally. They received new stimuli for their work.

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